Immediately After an Encounter Part IV
Getting good legal advice is important
For the record, I am not an attorney and I do not represent myself as such. Nor, do I pretend to give you legal advice. I am simply giving you suggestions. The best case scenario, is that you learn the gun laws of your state and speak to an attorney BEFORE you purchase a gun.
Good legal advice is as necessary as gun training, so do both, take a gun training course and obtain legal advice BEFORE your purchase.
I want to say here, that I understand good attorneys are not cheap and if talking to one is too expensive? Talk to a few of your fellow gun enthusiasts and chip in together to obtain the advice. Make an appointment, pay the consultation fee, ask questions. But most important of all? Listen to what he says about what to expect from the system and how it works.
When selecting an attorney, don't just go to any attorney. You want to speak to a criminal defense attorney. Someone who knows how the system works and has a good reputation. They will generally know the prosecutor and even may know the arresting officer from previous cases. If you say you don't know how to find this information? It is readily available for free, in any state. You can even go online and check the law registry of the state and city where you live, to obtain the information.
Now none of what I am telling you is to imply that you should not cooperate with the police. I am suggesting that there are alternatives you can take until your mind is clear and you have legal advice available. Be smart. Good, law abiding, honest citizens, should be willing to cooperate with the law, always. Just make sure you do so in the right frame of mind (preferably after the adrenaline has worn off) and your mind is clear.
Once so, you should always have or you should always want....someone sitting next to you who is well versed in the law Someone who can help you calmly through the questions from the police.
Simple suggestions, but I encourage you to research the laws where you live, consult a criminal defense attorney and most of all, be sure that you understand your responsibilities and rights. Thanks for reading--