What to use and why
So.....you don't know the difference between a lure and live bait. When you finish this post, you will. We'll start with fishing lures: The 'explanation' of what lures are, is quite simply, something man made that appear to look like fish prey. There are a variety of things they are made from, but choices of such will come later. Right now all you need to know is that they are "artificial," trust me on this part.
Live bait on the other hand, is the fish's natural prey. You know what I am talking about, worms, insects, small fish and even fish eggs. These are then attached to the hook to draw your fish in. What to use and why will be explained., so before you race out and just buy anything, it's time to learn the "type" of bait or lure you will need.

Agreeably, most everyone has their tried and true method for "their" fishing hole or for fishing for the type of fish they like. Trust me, I am no different. But understanding fish makes the type of lure or live bait used, a matter of interpretation.
For instance, did you know that native fish (or wild natural fish) tend to strike on different baits than "planted" fish, maybe better known as hatchery raised fish. These fish are planted each spring by the Fish and Game department. (or whatever the name is of the department that provides the fish stocking for your state).
In my mind, trout are the most beautiful of all freshwater fish that can be caught. They are found in some great natural settings, man made settings and some animal created settings that nature has to offer. To understand how to catch them, let's make it easy to understand.
Trout respond to a wide variety of baits, depending upon what the water temperature is, whether they are hungry or not, if they are spawning or even if it's night or day. You just need to know the what's, why's, when's and where's and you can find yourself pulling in the fish when no one around you is.
Next up: Fishing lures and their uses
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