Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Bass Fishing - Mighty Bite Lures are my choice

What to use in the spring
Everyone has their favorite rig for catching Bass, and I am no different. I like to put something in the water, that will number one? Excite the fish. Number two, it will excite them well enough that it triggers the 'strike' mode. Some folks prefer plastics. Truth is, what you fish with and how, is dependent upon the water clarity, temperature and even the time of day.

If it's muddy, I  fish in the daylight and use brightly colored baits (we'll get to what 'kind' in a bit) but if the water is clear, (regardless of the air and water temperature) I fish from midnight to dawn. (the time of moonrise and moon set) 

The spring is the time when the Bass will move to the shallower waters to feed. There's plenty of bait fish available,  mostly in the form of sunfish or crawfish The big Bass will feed in these shallow waters, but dependent upon water temperature it may be after dark. That's why I fish from midnight to dawn. So be alert as you look for places to fish, for places like spawning beds or areas with a lot of cover. That's an excellent time to fish with top baits. The reason I fish with top bait in the shallows is: with the spawn over, the Bass are feeding heavily right now in those areas.
To catch the big ones, I have learned that the bigger and clunkier the bait? The better the Bass will strike. (I learned this in a Striper Bass derby in Arizona) Bass will strike at most anything that resembles food. One rig I use for this is the Might Bite Fishing System lure. I can use it for top bait, rig it on a Texas or Carolina jig or just plain jig it on it's own

I can get away with using this lure these many different ways because fish work off five main senses. Sight, (the lure looks like a wounded bait fish) sound (the rattles I can place in the lure) smell, (scent sticks I will use) feel (the lure even feels like a bait fish) and taste (again, the scent stick will draw them in)
It's a complete system that's proven to be effective on most any predatory fish, Bass included. The lure set up comes complete with interchangeable scent sticks and swim fins. What that means to you and I, is that I can change the scent stick or swim fins to create more or less scent being left in the water and what type of movement I want from my lure. Thus, the different ways I can fish just one lure.

Next up:  the Texas and Carolina Bass rigs. Which is best and how to set each one up.

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